Oakland Schools: Building our Interdisciplinary ISD Team

Oakland Schools: Building our Interdisciplinary ISD Team By Andrea Zellner, Literacy Consultant; Jenelle Williams, Literacy Consultant; Geraldine (Gerri) Devine, Mathematics Consultant; Stacie Woodward, Social Studies/Disciplinary Literacy Consultant; and James Emmerling, Science Consultant It was finally here: the document that we, as secondary and disciplinary literacy consultants, had all been waiting for. We’d watched with envy as the K-5 Literacy Essentials had transformed teaching in the elementary grades with a focus on inquiry, student engagement, choice reading, and authentic writing. But how would these principles translate into the 6-12 grades? Would it have the same impact given the distinct and unique the demands of teaching in the content areas? We had watched with dismay as year after year, our focus on “Writing Across the Curriculum” and “Reading Across the Curriculum” devolved into rote use of Cornell notes and other listless worksheets that did little to further our s...