
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins By Dr. Laura Gabrion, Literacy Consultant, Wayne RESA Shortly after Mary-Lu Strimbel and I were hired at Wayne RESA, our colleague Dr. Rosalyn Shahid asked us to reserve time for the Disciplinary Literacy Task Force work. Disciplinary...literacy? We trudged up to an ISD in the middle of the state to acclimate to the research, the document, and the work ahead. Our first Disciplinary Literacy Task Force meeting was a blur of information, objectives and urgency. At that point, even though the Essential Practices for Disciplinary Literacy Instruction in the Secondary Classroom document had not yet been released to the public, the Task Force was actively engaged in designing a professional learning model for pilot districts.  Read-Think-Talk-Write   As all good consultants do, we set up an intensive book study framed by inquiry and protocols. If we were to play an implemental role in state- and county-wide work, we needed to catch up...quickly....